
Posted by David Haarsager on Thu, Aug 30, 2012 @ 05:41 PM

Dahmer 1Dahmer 2
describe the imageDahmer 4





doody booty, booty juices, papa bear, baby bear cub, honey bear, dahmich

Stinky, cookies, lil piglit, sir papa booty, TUFF GUY



We’ll always miss you! It’s hard to believe your gone. I just want to wake up and see your face at the end of the bed, waggin, seeing

If I’m awake. We can’t imagine not hearing your bark or the sound of your toe nails coming down the hall.


As big as you were, you still tried to sit in our laps and give us kisses when we asked for them. Dahmer loved to play with his ball.

He was such a good catcher. He had so much personality and was one of a kind. He loved “LOVE”, every time I came home he would just

Lay on his side and let me love him, or sat in the window and waited for his daddy to come home. He would give you five, ten, sit, dance and

Fetch. And our favorite “Watch ‘em”. You name it, he did it! He was our everything. Even on his last day, he still played catch. He was so strong

For us, so we have to be strong for him. We’ll never forget you, you’ll always be in our hearts. It was a privilege and honor to have you in our lives

for 8 beautiful years! You are the best son we’ll ever have, our protector!


Mommy and Daddy


Pitbulls have been given a bad name, but if given a chance, and the right amount of love and compassion, they can grow to be as

Lovey and gentle as this big guy was!! People are missing out on how much love they can really give.

We’ll miss you !