Topics: Heartfelt Memories, Heartfelt Memories Pet Cremation
Bella loved to play ball, retrieve and hike. She really like to travel and has been all over the US. She was a happy loving dog that will be missed by Lidia, Clayton, Carl and Ann. Bella touched many hearts.
Topics: Heartfelt Memories, Heartfelt Memories Pet Cremation, webplusshop.com Home Pick-up, Heartfelt Memories Pet Cremation Home Pick-up
What a beautiful, loving, 14 1/2 year old lab Lucky with her whole family around and she new she was loved. She will be missed by Libbie, Jack, Joe, Beckie and every heart she touched.
Topics: Heartfelt Memories, Heartfelt Memories Pet Cremation, www.heartfeltitems, webplusshop.com Home Pick-up
Topics: Heartfelt Memories, Heartfelt Memories Pet Cremation Home Pick-up
Elijah loved to just sit and stare Dirk and Mathew when he was young. He was a loving kitty and will be missed by every heart he touch.
Topics: Heartfelt Memories, Heartfelt Memories Pet Cremation Home Pick-up
Baby loved to follow Wally around they yard when it was mowing time. Baby will be missed by all her friends, the entire family and every heart she touched.
Topics: Heartfelt Memories
E was a great friend to Eleanor and together they learned how to open the fridge so E could find anything she wanted to eat. She loved to snuggle and will be loved and missed by the whole family.
Topics: Heartfelt Memories
I found this off of a friends link and I am hoping that you will allow me to stay. See I have not lost a pet in that they have gone to the rainbow bridge. We had six cats whom we had to find new homes for because our house was foreclosed on. I know that is not the same as a pet death, but I miss them terribly. I have chronic health problems and have been battling strep throat and pneumonia. When I would get sick all of my guys would be piled on top of me, purring, making bread and loving up on me. When I was depressed my black boy Shadow would follow me around and when I would finally settle he would curl himself up into a small ball and sleep with me until I was forced to move him to get a drink of water. He would follow me to the bathroom and meow pitifully outside the door. As soon as I got back into bed or went out to watch TV he would be back in my lap. These guys were my furry kids and I miss them so much if I think about it at all I start to cry. I hope you will allow me to post my memories of my fur-babies on here and maybe I will start to heal.
Sue B
Topics: Heartfelt Memories
Sage was a wonderful kitty that like to lay around in the sun. He loved Michelle and will be missed by every heart he touched.
Topics: Heartfelt Memories
Today I had the honor of picking up Marley, a beautiful young kitten about 9 months old. He was a handsome kitten that just ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time. I know he is being missed tonight by the loving couple that had him for such a short time. We did a paw print in clay for him and it turned out to be very nice. All the best,
Topics: Heartfelt Memories