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My dear, sweet Latte,
When you joined me at 8 weeks old, I felt in love with you immediately with those big brown round eyes with soft white coat. Your tenderness, yet energetic, loving, sweet personality had brought so much joy and happiness in my life. Your love of swinging on baby swings at parks always crack me up! Thank you and thank Mocha for being my best friends over the past 16 years, we will meet again and play together with Mocha at the Rainbow Bridge in the future. We all missed you very much.
Ozzi...03/06/2002 - 05/11/2014 -Undoubtedly the world's great est dog! An unbelievable and irreplaceable part of my life. He never cared where we were or what we were doing, so long as he was by my side and we were together. He never left my side through my mothers death. He remained there through his brothers death. He went to bed each and every night with me through one of, if not the toughest relationships I've ever endured. Providing me with hope and promise, giving me something to hold onto, reassuring me everything would be okay. He stayed with me long enough to make sure I'd be safe in my new place.
Then in his own way he let me know it was time for him to leave and I was going to have to go it alone. Because he had done all he could!
I truly believe my mother, having wisdom beyond her years knew I was going to need one good thing in my life to count on that would NEVER let me down and more importantly to love for an eternity... which I'm sure is why she purchased him from the Enumclaw pet store all those years ago. Perhaps keeping an unspoken promise to her, that he'd look after me and do all he could for me when she was no longer able to.
Ozzi & Ozzborn will always be my baby boys, pride & joy!!!
Daddy loves you boys and we will always be together!
Otis the cat passed away on Thursday May 8, 2014. To some of us he was a legend (we guess his age to be somewhere around the 21-22 mark although we only knew him for 14 of those years), to some a family member and friend... for Will and I he was one of the great loves of our lives and a beautiful member of our family we will miss terribly. Although we are in the midst of some heartbreaking grief, we are so grateful that our friend Annie ntroduced us to Princess Otis all those years ago and we found ourselves a queer little chosen family. We are so grateful to have called this beautiful creature one of our dearest friends for so long and to have helped him on to the next dimension from the comfort of his own home, cozy with his humans, listening to his favorite music, snuggled together as a family. He was truly magical and even though I was spoiled by all the time I got to share with him I truly ache to triple that amount of time, but understand he had to Yoda on his way. He taught me so much about love, kindness and forgiveness. Otis made me a better person. Here's to all those creatures great and small and all the love we have had and will have. Here's to Otis, we will love you forever.
Uni, you came to our house when you were one month old. You became a big guy in a few months. You were a gentle giant who loved to be pet on the head. You protect our family and your little buddy Sushi. Uni, we’ll miss you!
Leko’s favorite thing to do was play with Duda and Cooper his other two puppy buddies. He loved the feeling of running; he was a beast at it. He liked to lie on his back so we could rub his stomach until he fell asleep. He was very sweet to everyone! He loved to be around people and never liked to be alone. He loved to cuddle, and when we would put him on the bed, he didn’t want to get off anymore. He was also a kisser! We miss him so much already.
Esme was a beautiful girl, her family is heart broken for her loss.
Kermit was such a wonderful and beautiful kitty and will be missed by Zena and her friends.
Bobbi is missed and loved by Mark and every heart he touched.
"He was so beloved"
"Such an awesome dog"
"I'm sorry to say goodbye to that goofy hombry"
"Cirrus will be missed. he's had a great life from a loving owner"
"The passing of a wonderful creature .. he was such a pleasure to have with us" - From the band to the band mascot
To Cirrus: Friend of all living creatures, beach explorer, snuggler, band mascot, best friend.
Thank you for ten amazing years